Low Engagement = Underperforming Workforce
Do you ever find yourself talking about a project or initiative, and you get that look? The one that tells you your teammates have no idea what you’re talking about? It’s physical proof your communication suffers from low engagement, leading to an underperforming workforce. Recently, I posted that talking with disengaged staff can look like…
Continue ReadingThe Best Engagement Activities of 2023
Driving engagement is both art and science; it means more than simply newsletter click-throughs. It means providing information, creating a two-way communication highway, and using communication channels to support your organization’s learning or cultural styles.
Continue ReadingWorksprints and How To Use Them
Worksprints are a great way for organizations to replicate ‘hallway moments’ and ‘watercooler chat’ in an online, virtual environment.
Continue ReadingSolutions for Better Collaboration are Complex but Not Complicated
If you are trying to improve workflow and productivity, remember, solutions for better collaboration are complex but not complicated. The whole point of deploying the solution is to UN-complicate things. Let’s take a deeper look.
Continue ReadingThe Number 1 Driver to Effectively Collaborate In Business
Organizational awareness is the number one driver to collaborate in business effectively. Collaboration is the key to success in any business, group, or government entity and can take many forms, from brainstorming sessions to joint projects and partnerships. The benefits of collaboration include increased productivity, enhanced creativity, improved problem-solving skills, and better decision-making. This blog…
Continue ReadingWant Employee Engagement? Research Your Employee Alignment
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash As we arrive on the other side of the Great Resignation bubble, we find the next challenge organizations are facing is employee engagement. Engagement is more than the number of clicks within the newsletter; the most important driver is usually missing from the pulse and engagement surveys. What is…
Continue ReadingPreventing Burnout in a Hybrid Work World
In today’s world, where remote working has become a norm, preventing burnout in a hybrid working environment is crucial. Burnout can lead to employee disengagement, decreased productivity, and, ultimately, high employee turnover rates. As a CEO, ensuring your company leaders and employees feel supported in their work falls within your purview. In this post, we’ll…
Continue ReadingOvercoming A Lack of Resources: Proven Ways to Succeed
Photo by Dan Cristian Paduret on Unsplash Overcoming A Lack of Resources: Proven Ways to Succeed As a CEO, you understand the importance of resources for your business. You need a capable team, an adequate budget, and enough time to execute your plans effectively. However, sometimes circumstances beyond your control can limit your resources,…
Continue ReadingMeasuring Chaos Tolerance – The People Managing People Interview
How can organizations step up to act like guardians ensure more “focus”? Let’s take a look at a few examples.
Continue ReadingSending All of the Troubles to the Ditch
How can organizations step up to act like guardians ensure more “focus”? Let’s take a look at a few examples.
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